Future State of the Blog

 So I took a loooong break from writing on here as I spent a LOT of time building another blog to house all my house rules and available character stuffs for Pathfinder 2e. They're quickly releasing more and more options I do not like so it's easier to just make what I want available in an area and just tell my players to use that first. (I haven't done equipment or spells because I do not have time for that).

I finished running my group through the Age of Ashes adventure path, stopping the campaign after part one of book six as it's a better climax/capstone to the adventure than hitting that epic "we gotta save the world from the cataclysm!" high, then jumping straight back into "well, that's over so....I guess we go through the last portal and see what's there?". The adventure path did an extremely bad job of seeding the "real story" behind everything. I actually think this could have wrapped up in 3 parts really well and focused more on stopping the Scarlet Triad as opposed to what actually happened. Individual parts were varying levels of quality, but overall, not great.

Then I ran a 10th level adventure as a an "don't worry about my normal restrictions on ancestries or whatever, anything goes" palate cleanser before we jumped into the next campaign. Let people try out some things that they were interested in, but not sure if they wanted to commit to long term. It was also an excuse to try out the Stamina variant rules from the GameMastery Guide.

They TPK'd when they didn't listen to the warnings of some major NPC's and lured a crag linnorm towards them to fight in the open. They got WRECKED. But they did like the Stamina Rules. I personally could take it or leave it. I like some of the things it does, but it's also another thing to track. 

After that, we started an Abomination Vaults game using the Stamina rules. Two fighters, a ranger, and a rogue. It's been interesting for the handful of sessions we've managed to play. It's nice to have a home base that they can continue to interact with on a regular basis and build relationships with. I know Breechill was meant to be that, but they spent so much time away that it never really manifested.

After a couple sessions of Abomination Vaults, one of my players was competing out of state to try to join the US Olympic swim team, so we took a break and the remaining players tried out the Pathfinder for Savage Worlds playtest using the converted module (I can't remember the name). It went well, but the person playing Amiri rolled so well that (with the exception of the fight with the stirges that compounded her fatigue levels from raging and dropped her unconscious in the forest for a few hours) the character probably could have done the whole adventure on their own and left the Seoni and Lem at home.

It went well, but Savage Worlds didn't go over amazingly with the group and my wife was very against it, but she may have been playing the wrong character to be her introduction to it.

We're back to the Abomination Vaults and they've cleared the top floor, the rogue has almost died to scorpion poison, claims to have almost died to the disease he got from a giant fly, and they all almost died to an undead leech.

On top of that, I've continued reading comics and books and my friend finally listened to my suggestion of checking out Shadow of the Demon Lord and now I'm looking to convert it to run a late Age of Despair Dragonlance game at some point. Probably won't happen, but it's a fun project.


All of that meant that I didn't really leave myself much time to write on this blog and I wasn't really having fun with some of it so I wanted some time to figure out what I wanted to do.

I realized that the Pathfinder Deep Dive posts were taking too much time to do and weren't really all that fun. The posts where I spoke of my house rules were fun, but honestly, I've kind of gone over the ones that matter and everything else is pretty minor rebalancing of things to suit my own tastes.

I still enjoyed writing about comics and the books I've read, so I'm primarily going to stick with that. I might occasionally throw in some RPG related stuff (I don't think I can do too much with the Shadow of the Dragonlance as the setting is copywritten by one company and I don't believe the system is open like Pathfinder).

So yeah, This will mostly be a comic and book review site for a while. If I actually give myself some time to write, I'll probably post some stories here as well (unlikely).

Most of those comics that will be reviewed will be DC Comics. And from six months ago. Fair warning. Not because I think they're the only comics worth reading, but because I'm currently subscribed to the DC Universe Infinite program and it's a cheap way for me to read a bunch of stuff I'm pretty interested in. I have to buy all my comics with my own monies, so I work with what I have.

I'll probably be doing lighter reviews and occasionally going further in depth on the ones I think there's something interesting to share about them.
