Comic Talk: Offworld 1 Review

The Review

All images courtesy of Antarctic Press, Inc

The first issue of this sci-fi double feature from Antarctic Press. I picked this up because it was only 99 cents on Comixology and the art looked neat. I'm also a sucker for graphic design that catches my eye, and the cover caught my eye. I really like the cover logo and how the issue number fits into it. I like the second story's art style a bit more than the first, but they both are consistent throughout.

Unfortunately, neither story makes good use of this format. The first story, Interstellar Dust, wastes a few pages at the beginning showing a ship almost running through a spacer. It doesn't add anything to the story and this needs to be a strong and focused start considering the shorter page count. Overall, 4-6 pages could be removed from this 15-page story and use this extra space to get this story going. As is, it only introduces two characters via their backstory and shows them being on the prison spaceship. That's it. There's not enough to go by to hook you in to purchase the next issue.

The second story, Hazel, is much prettier in my opinion. I don’t think it’s a whole lot better as there isn’t a lot of characterization, sometimes it’s hard to follow and remember who is in a scene. It does leave off on a cliffhanger and it could be enough to hook you into the next issue.

I’d only recommend this because of the price point and if the person was looking for something to waste some time on.

High Point(s)

  • The art in the second story really works for me, even if the sequential storytelling suffers a bit
  • The price point

Low Point(s)

  • Neither story makes the best use of their limited page count


The Editing

I’m going to start the page count over for the second story in this comic.

The Covers

I like both covers a lot. I don’t have any issues except the Antarctic Press and Mature Content images ruin the title’s design a bit.

Interstellar Dust - Page One & Two

Unneeded. Should be removed.

Page Four

Replace with a page introducing Cael in his prison cell as they did with Alcee later.

Page Five

Cael’s arm and leg are off. His arm looks too low/long and should be shown resting on his knee like it is in the two other panels you can see him in.

Adding in a sound effect for a door closing or something in the last panel wouldn’t be terrible.

Page Seven

The girl looks evil in the third panel which seems slightly out of character.

Page Eight & Nine

I feel like these could have been merged into one page (removing/shrinking some of the panels).

Page Eleven through Fourteen

There’s a lot in here that could have been cut out and shrunk to two pages.

Page Fifteen

Alcee’s face is weird in panel three and there’s a weird white dot under her left eye.

Hazel - Page One

The panels are all too big for what is on this page. The “We’re at 3,500 feet. 3 minutes from the L.Z.” and “Prepare to drop.” could be bubbles pointing to the cockpit of the aircraft.

The dialog bubble is a little small in panel four. Make it a little larger so the text isn’t so close to the border.

Page Two

This page should be combined with page one.

Making the height callout dialog a normal bubble and point to the ship would have made them stand out more vice getting lost at the bottom of the panel.

Menek’s dialog bubbles should be a little bigger again. The connection between the two either needs to be thicker (most likely with black in middle) or just overlap the bubbles. The yellow line gets lost in the art.

Page Three

Panel two shouldn't exist. It's a random person who makes no appearance and makes no impact on the rest of the story. It's very jarring to see. Could add the first sentence as an off-panel dialog box in the first panel and the second sentence as an off-panel dialog box in the third.

There’s a random “Swan” narration box in the middle of the fourth panel.

Page Four & Five

Move the first panel to panel three, possibly with a panel with Clowee saying “Hatch closed.” on page three as well. Leave this two-page spread as a nice splash of all four characters so they are easy to identify later. Additionally, each member of the team should have had a line of dialog in this shot so that readers can link the character design, dialog design (since each character has it's own bubble and text color), and name/role together, all in one shot.

Unless there’s something wrong with Clowee, give her the normal oval dialog bubble shape and font.

The two pages are not aligned correctly in the ComiXology version of the issue I purchased.

Page Six

Unless there is a reason, give the baddie the normal dialog font. The font is also too large. Especially in the fifth panel.

Page Eight

The first and last panel is not needed. Off-panel dialog boxes would work for Menek’s directions.

Same issue as earlier where the connection between Menek’s dialog bubble needs to be addressed for being a weak connection.

Fill this page with something else more interesting. Lots of wasted storytelling space.

Page Nine & Ten

This action sequence could probably be combined. Or throw her busting in, guns blazing onto the previous page.

Page Eleven

I have no idea what the baddie is doing/what he’s sending at Hazel. There could be more than three panels on this page.

Page Twelve

Should combine with the previous page.
