The Review
All images courtesy of DC Comics, Inc.
This is a great issue of this series. Most of it is letting the heroes gather themselves, reflect, reconnect, figure out a path towards getting the cure that’s trapped inside Cyborg, and executing said plan. It feels like a very calm issue after the events of …all of DCeased.
Starts out with Constantine and Mr. Miracle returning to
Poison Ivy’s garden and hatching a plan to trick Metron (of the New Gods) so
they can use his Mobius Chair (which contains all the knowledge of the New
Gods). They gather their heavy hitters to go with and you find out that Mr.
Miracle had a child with Big Barda and they left him to be raised on New
The hero's plan succeeds in luring Metron, but they fail
because he's too powerful for them. Thankfully, Superman and Mary Marvel manage
to use diplomacy and the chair is used. They know how to create the cure now.
That’s pretty much it. There’s a lot of little character
moments all through this issue and it made for a very enjoyable read. I don’t
think anything else of import happened at all in this issue.
Oh, wait! THIS doozy of an ending.
Nice call back to a
threat I completely forgot about still being around from the first issue of the
first story arc of DCeased. Well done Tom Taylor and co.
If you’ve stuck with this series this long, I don’t see any
reason why this series shouldn’t be on your pull list every month.
High Point(s)
- All of the character moments that are in this issue
Low Point(s)
- They changed the narration box coloring and now the bottom line starts to blend in with the darker color at the bottom of the gradient.
The Editing
This is a short one. This was a well-made issue.
The Covers
This cover looks like the issue is WAY darker and more
serious than it is between the Justice League and the New Gods. Quite
misleading. Same with the text "New Genesis… …New Horror!" A bit
misleading there.
Page One
The narration box coloring changed and it's darker now.
Should be consistent with the first three issues and they were easier to read
then as the new darker gradient occasionally blends in with the bottom line of
Issues 1-3 (left) and issue 4 (right) |
Page Three
Panel 3 – The narration box is closer to the panel edge than
it should/needs to be.
Panel 5 – Move Superman’s dialog box up towards his shoulder so the tail points to his mouth…or at least his head. At his shoulder would still allow his “S” to be fully visible (which I’m assuming is why it’s so low in the panel).
Page Six
Panel 4 – Mary's second dialog bubble tail is pointing down
towards her shoulder, it should point towards her head as the first one does.
Page Ten
Panel 1 – This sound effect needs to be changed. It looks
like clip art dropped into a professional comic book.
Page Fourteen
Panel 1 – The location text should either be made more
succinct or altered slightly and made into a narration box. It looks very
strange as is.
Panel 3 & 4 – In the first issue, Superman is shown flying, fighting, and talking in space just fine. In this issue, he is shown having a little mask on.
Page Sixteen & Seventeen
Last Panel – Why do Superman and Wonder Woman need masks,
but Mary Marvel is fine in space.
Page Twenty-two
I feel that this splash page lessens the impact of the final
splash page. Removing this page in its entirety and moving the "…Darkseid
isn't." to the first panel of the next page (changing it to some other
type of box than a narration box since it's supposed to be spoken by the Black
Racer) would be just as effective and make the final page have MUCH more
Sad though, since this is a very cool splash page.
Page Twenty-four
The thin white text blends in with the lighter areas of the
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