I don't like introducing myself or talking about myself all
that much. If I'm going to, a first post seems like a good place and reason to
do so. This won't be long.
I'm a father of two lovely children and a husband to a
beautiful wife. My full-time job is at a drafting/engineering office and I have
a dozen or two people there that I am responsible for.
In my limited free time, I consume about any format of story
I can get a hold of (be it novels, comics, movies, television, etc.). I'm usually
reading at least two novels at once; one at work to read on lunch and one that
I read at home. Sometimes I load one up on my phone/tablet that I read when I
don't have the other two. I squeeze in reading pretty much whenever I can.
I'm well-read in various tabletop RPGs and board games and
have been playing both for years. I also play the occasional video game.
The purpose of this blog is to find time to talk about the
things that I love and be creative. The plan is to analyze and review comics,
books, role-playing games (warning: this will mostly be Pathfinder second
edition as that is what I'm running and playing right now), mechanics of RPGs
(again, mostly Pathfinder 2e). When I can, I may also throw up a short story or two.
More specifically, the plan is to do two regular article
series a week. One is a deep dive review/overview of the various Pathfinder 2e
books (starting with the Core Rulebook). I will go into the books more or less
page by page and talk about things that work, editing errors, mechanical
issues, and whatever else I find. The other is a series of reviews where I'll
be covering mostly comics. They are easier to read and review given my current
life schedule.
If I can fit it into my schedule, I want to do a third
article "series" that is for the other random things I want to do on
this blog. Short stories, reviewing adventure
modules or other systems besides Pathfinder, going over game mechanics, or a
review of a book I finished (hopefully at least one book a month).
The Pathfinder reviews should post every Monday while the Comic reviews should post every Friday. The Randomness articles should go live on Wednesdays when I can fit them in.
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